Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Cuties

Merry Christmas everyone! Here's a shot of one of my favorite families. I could have photographed them for hours but the weather didn't really permit that :) Mark and Laura you and your kids make me smile all the way to my toes!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hawkins Family

I've known Rosie for more than a decade now. It's hard to believe it's been that long since she was trying to teach me how to roller blade in the parking lot at St. Mary's University. When she asked me to shoot her family's photos I was ecstatic as she happens to be amazingly beautiful and has an equally beautiful family. What more could a photographer want? I guess we could have wanted the weather to be a little warmer but they were troopers! Just look at those cute faces!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

One Tree Wood

I love the Wood family. I consider them to be like family. Like those crazy cousins that liven up every party. I also love that they let me take their photos all the time. They just happen to be three of the most gorgeous kids you'll ever meet. Someday I'll get their awesome parents in these photos. Here are a few outtakes from their Christmas shoot.

Burning off a little energy

I'm pretty sure their dad was making faces behind my back.
Andres didn't seem impressed

Sisterly love, brotherly empathy. :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Good times with good friends

One of the coolest things I get to do is take pictures of my friends' families. Add on taking pictures for a friend who is serving our country overseas and the reward is just multiplied by 1,000. Here are a few photos from our shoot at Mayfield Park in Austin.

The older kids are really great with their little sister.

Someone got a little restless so we made the most of her energy. I love a girl who isn't afraid to run around in her good dress :)

Thanks, Derek for letting me take pictures of your kiddos. And thanks Linda for everything you're doing for our country.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happiest kid on the block

It's hard to not be happy when others around you are ecstatic. That's what it was like being around Patrick. He is such an amazingly happy kiddo that it's completely contagious.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Constantine the Great

I can't get over how happy this little guy was. He was all smiles from the minute I started shooting. His smile is truly contagious, even when he's got a bit of drool on his chin.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mi Familia

One of the coolest things I got to do when I went home was to take photos of my own family. My sister asked if I could "squeeze" her in and of course I was going to make time for my own blood! We had tons of fun. My bro-in-law really likes his truck so we did a few last second shots as the sun set behind us. Can't wait for my youngest nephew's senior portraits next year!

Fun in New Mexico

I got the chance to take photos of the family of an old high school friend. The Allens were such great subjects! It's always fun taking photos of such a gorgeous family. Thanks Andrea for letting me document your gorgeous brood.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beautiful Day

Yesterday was an amazingly gorgeous day. And as I do still have a day job, I was stuck in the studio for most of it. So if I was going to be stuck indoors all day I decided to make a photo just for me. I don't think my employer will mind too much ;-)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sweet Pete

Sweet sweet Pete. I've been lucky enough to take photos of Pete since he was a few weeks old. It's hard to believe he's already one and running around playgrounds. We hung out at a local park on Saturday and I got the chance to document him just being a kid.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Farmington Photo Fun Day

There are few things I like more than a good trip home. The only thing that could enhance that would be to see some old friends and make photos of your beautiful families. If you're interested in a portrait session let me know. Details are on the flier. Feel free to spread the word.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Toalson times five

I love photographing the Toalsons. They are one of those families that is just so much fun and has so much love for each other that you can't help but love being around them. I was lucky enough to be asked to take their family pictures after their youngest came into the world.

I love that everyone is doing their own thing in this photo.

Beautiful Mama. Beautiful Baby.

Did I mention they are all musical gifted?

Sleeping bundle of love.

A little love from big brother.

Thanks guys for letting me capture your amazing family.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just Jack!

I met Jenny when I was living in Austin. Through the power of the internet we've been able to stay in touch since I left six years ago. And thank God for that because she allowed me to photograph her darling baby boy Jack right before his first birthday. I just love his sweet face.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Late Wildflower Post

The wildflowers put on an amazing show this spring and I kind of became obsessed with the Brown Eyed Susans, so I took every chance I could to pose people out in the flowers. The Toalsons were kind enough to let me use these as the backdrop to their pre-baby photos. Can't wait to photograph all three kiddos this weekend