Sunday, August 29, 2010

Farmington Photo Fun Day

There are few things I like more than a good trip home. The only thing that could enhance that would be to see some old friends and make photos of your beautiful families. If you're interested in a portrait session let me know. Details are on the flier. Feel free to spread the word.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Toalson times five

I love photographing the Toalsons. They are one of those families that is just so much fun and has so much love for each other that you can't help but love being around them. I was lucky enough to be asked to take their family pictures after their youngest came into the world.

I love that everyone is doing their own thing in this photo.

Beautiful Mama. Beautiful Baby.

Did I mention they are all musical gifted?

Sleeping bundle of love.

A little love from big brother.

Thanks guys for letting me capture your amazing family.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just Jack!

I met Jenny when I was living in Austin. Through the power of the internet we've been able to stay in touch since I left six years ago. And thank God for that because she allowed me to photograph her darling baby boy Jack right before his first birthday. I just love his sweet face.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Late Wildflower Post

The wildflowers put on an amazing show this spring and I kind of became obsessed with the Brown Eyed Susans, so I took every chance I could to pose people out in the flowers. The Toalsons were kind enough to let me use these as the backdrop to their pre-baby photos. Can't wait to photograph all three kiddos this weekend