Forgive the lack of photos on this post but I had to share what an amazing time I've been having at Imaging USA. I have to admit going in I was super nervous. Never mind the fact that I'm a creature of habit and had to change up my usual routine and my kiddo's. But I've never been to a conference of any sort and I don't do well in large crowds. I especially don't do well when I don't know anyone. The shy little girl that I was as a child overtakes my otherwise loud and talkative personality when I'm surrounded by new people. I'm pretty sure my friends wanted to shake my by the shoulders and say "Stop stressing about this!" Instead they were supportive and didn't shake me at all. Thanks for that.
Turns out it's been the most amazing four (almost five) days! I've learned so much and met some pretty outstanding people. I'm not sure what I was expecting from the other photographers. Well, that's not true. I was expecting to be judged and ridiculed by everyone, hence my nervousness. Instead I've made connections with people who are kind, helpful, funny and just great human beings, not to mention OUTSTANDING photographers.
I can't wait to start putting into practice everything I'm learning. I've already started a few balls rolling in relation to my website but the finished products might not come to fruition until the end of the year.
But that's okay because now I have a plan. I have inspiration. I have support. I have confidence. And most importantly I have the love of an amazing group of family and friends.
I can't wait for what the future holds!